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Discover TNS students' stimulating perspectives on current global issues


"I believe the BLM movement is a great representation of the constant need for change for the betterment of society. Our fight against discrimination- in this case particularly racism- isn’t over and even as youth who don’t live in the US or other racially diverse countries, we need to realise that even our society contains seeds of racism due to the impacts western colonisation has had on our mindsets for generations. In my opinion, the BLM movement has really helped shed more light on such cases of thinly veiled modern day racism."

Alizeh Arif DP2

"The BLM movement is not a series of riots but in fact the continuation of a revolution. People have been fighting this fight for more than 200 years just to get the freedom they were born with! But this time we have the whole world working together to finally get the end result the world wants to see. If we achieve freedom and equality with this movement, we’ll see a progression of modernisation and more importantly, acceptance. And with that one step forward, other minorities discriminated against will finally see a glimpse of hope."

Lyba Salman DP1

"While legislation across the developed world has theoretically made racism unlawful, it would be ignorant to believe this illegality translates to eradication. When a nation officially discriminates against people of colour for hundreds of years, then that racism cannot simply be wiped away with the signing of a few laws. Systemic racism needs to be acknowledged in order to be eliminated because the facts, the case studies and the raw evidence that racism still lives on is quite clear. Black Lives Matter does just that and movements like it are necessary to rid society of the many gaps - conscious and subconscious - between people of different races."

Hasan Ahmed DP2

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