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Photography Challenge

Winner of Photography Challenge

Rameen Raza: 

This picture was taken in Defence Phase 6 at sunset. Being stuck in quarantine did make me aware of how stunning the sky can be, how simple it is to just look up and get lost in the splash of colors. i think being in quarantine made me more appreciative of the little things

Screenshot 2020-06-13 at 12.45.04 AM.png
Honorable mention

Mustafa Mir: 

I took this picture in Dubai, from my khala's apartment.

I think this picture matters, as it implicitly represents a sense of hope and positivity for me; the streaks of vibrant light in the sunset, illuminating the sky, make me feel that there is always light even in darkest of times. This is the kind of hope we need in times like these, with the covid19 creating a lot of anguish and anxiety for people; this image provides them an assurance that there is always light at the end of the tunnel.

Honorable mention

Hasan Ahmad:

I took this photograph in June 2019. This is the top of Patundas, a mountain in Hunza, Gilgit-Baltistan. I reached the top after three nights of camping and trekking, crossing a glacier and reaching the top after about 7 hours of trekking that day. The view was extraordinary, allowing us to see several snow capped peaks for 330 degrees of the peak.

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